Interviewed for Codr.TV

I was recently privileged to be interviewed for Codr.TV by Dan Draper and Kieren Wuest. We spent about forty five minutes talking about two main areas: the habits of highly effective programmers, and interviewing tips for both sides of the table.

The whole experience was excellent, the guys made me feel very comfortable, and I think we uncovered some interesting material. My only other experience in front of a camera was a rushed bit for a promo video for NewsFoundry54 that you can see here.

So, Dan and Kieren have been hard at work editing Codr.TV episodes, and during that editing they managed to pull together a “Part 1” extract of our chat:

I’m particularly fond of the Byte covers they found to accompany the footage. See more Byte covers here

Update: I dive deeper into some of the topics I mention in this interview in a post on my programming journey